Workshop and Talk Slides from NEAIR Conference | Jason Bryer

Workshop and Talk Slides from NEAIR Conference

I am about to head home from my fifth time attending the North East Association for Institutional Research (NEAIR), this year in Newport, RI, which was just fantastic. Really great people, interesting talks, and good food. I again taught an Introduction to R and LaTeX for Institutional Research pre-conference workshop and also gave a talk on Propensity Score Analysis for Institutional Research which was an brief version of a workshop I taught at the 2013 useR! Conference in Spain. Here are links to my slides and materials:

  • Introduction to R and LaTeX for Institutional Research: Slides, Github Repository Abstract: This workshop will provide an overview as well as hands-on exercises for using R and LaTeX to perform data analysis and report generation. Participants will learn to perform basic statistical analyses in R and to generate reports with LaTeX in spreadsheet, presentation, and document formats.

  • Introduction to Propensity Score Analysis for Institutional Researchers Slides, Github Repository Abstract: This workshop will provide an overview as well as hands-on exercises for using R and LaTeX to perform data analysis and report generation.

You find many more resources at the Github repositories including R scripts and demos.

I would also like to thank NEAIR as I was recipient of their Ambassador Grant which help defray some of the cost for me to attend this year’s useR! Conference in Spain.


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